A fresh, new support resource for landscapers has been launched at www.onlinelandscapedesign.co.uk. The web service, fuelled and inspired by garden designer and creative visual specialist Tom Hammers, opens up a new avenue for busy landscape contractors who want to develop their design-and-build services without costly outsourcing or recruitment.
Tom and his team create powerful visualisations of basic sketched plans, allowing a landscaper to gain all the advantages of an in-house design team without the expense, additional staff, premises or training.
The concept is simple. Landscapers need not be limited by design skills or time constraints – now their own beautiful plans and creations can be transformed into illustrations, concept drawings and full-blown, stunning presentations. This way, they get to enhance their portfolios, enabling them to present a more convincing proposal to convert their plans into reality.
The Online Landscape Design team can translate a basic sketch with outline dimensions using drawing styles that are both visually powerful and beautifully conceptualised. “Everyone can have landscaping that is beautiful, functional and easy to maintain” states Tom Hammers, director of Online Landscape Design. “Landscapers have great ideas; we use our design expertise and software know-how to make their concepts REAL. 3D modelling, CAD and virtual images are the norm in other disciplines; we’re bringing these to landscaping at affordable prices.”
A variety of drawing styles allows for personalisation and all visuals can be branded with the customer logo, reinforcing corporate image and creating an impressive, professional element to any design portfolio.
The 3- step process is easy:
1: Complete a simple Tell Us About Your Project online form;
2: Scan and/or upload your files/images. Approve preliminary drawings;
3: Receive your brilliant plans, transformed into illustrations, concept proposals and stunning visual plan sets.
Tom and his London-based team have launched the online service at www.onlinelandscapedesign.co.uk to bring conceptualisation and visualisation to landscapers who want that edge. With services starting from £99 and all costs fixed before commitment, designers can dip in at every level – from an Illustration or Planting Plan to Concept Proposals, Masterplans and 3D modelling. The process is backed up by the team’s email, video or phone contact along the way, ensuring service is personal, supportive and comprehensive.
For fresh illustrations and a smart presentation style that’s all your own, www.onlinelandscapedesign.co.uk allows you to go beyond 2D drawings and transform your completed projects into stunning visual concepts – a powerful tool to help you gain more business.