Squire’s Garden Centres are growing their own, with two new people selected to take part in their “Grow Our Own” apprenticeship scheme. Will Challis, age 20, and Ross Humber, age 21, were chosen from a number of applicants to take part in this popular scheme.

Squire’s “Grow Our Own” apprenticeship scheme will introduce them into a world of horticulture, allowing them to earn while they learn and combine academic study with on-the-job training and stimulating work experience. The apprentices will attend Merrist Wood College, undertaking the RHS Level 2 Certificate in “The Principles of Horticulture”, and then will complete the RHS Level 3 Certificate in “Practical Horticulture”, both of which are nationally recognised qualifications.
“Ross Humber and Will Challis were chosen because they are both very passionate about horticulture, and it is clear they want to make it a career path. They are very excited by the prospect of gaining their RHS level 2 and 3, and are really showing a commitment to do well.” Jo Ripley (Squire’s HR Manager).
Sarah Squire (Squire’s Deputy Chairman) commented “As horticulture is fundamentally important to our business we developed our horticultural apprenticeship scheme “Grow Our Own”, so that we could train and nuture employees that work in our plant area, giving them the necessary skills and knowledge to advise customers. Apprentices in horticulture lead exciting and varied working lives. They will have a blended learning approach and comprehensive training, which is put into practice whilst working at Squire’s Garden Centres. They will also have the exciting experience of being involved in the running of Squire’s Show Garden at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 29th June – 4th July. Once their career develops Squire’s then offers them extensive and continuous training.”
If you are interested in becoming the next Squire’s “Grow Our Own” apprentice then visitwww.squiresgardencentres.co.uk or email your interest to hr@squiresgardencentres.co.uk.