Masterpile Sheet Piling – is a thin walled, light weight but strong recycled plastic sheet pile with applications in water management and bank retention in and around our water ways and landscaping, where it’s been specified now for over 25 years. We use 100% recycled plastics and it’s UK Manufactured.
Uses include flood wall designs, flood defence systems, small to medium load bank retention applications, lake and river bank retention and water table management and control including scour and erosion control, landscaping, ditch blocking, conservation and flood management.
Masterpile sheet piling is made from recycled plastics, it’s relatively light weight, yet strong, easy to cut and handle so can be more easily transported, ( than other materials ) to remote locations for installation and at 325 mm wide, with it’s interlocking edges ensure you can quickly create an almost water tight seal.
Available in stock lengths from 1 to 3 metres, we can also offer bespoke lengths to help reduce your potential offcuts and wastage, lengths to suit you.
In conservation initiatives it is used in peatland conservation to block water channels ( both manmade and natural ) and thus control water levels and create bunds, slowing down or stopping water flow, helping to rewet the peatland and manage the water system. It has been used successfully in a fresh water pearl mussel study to block forest ditches entering a pearl mussel watercourse, this vastly reduced suspended solids in the water and reduced sedimentation , thus improving the river bed habitat for the juveniles.
Barge Landing Stage – sub banking protection for water erosion
Lake banking support
River and Stream bank stabilisation
Water Table Management – peatland bund creation
For further information call or email us on :-
T 01625 326161 E