Hydro BioCell™ is the new name for Hydro’s innovative SUDS-compliant drainage unit which harnesses natural biological and chemical processes to combine stormwater control with treatment of pollutants and sediments, ideal for both retrofit and new developments.
Hydro BioCell™ introduces the pioneering principles of biofiltration to urban environments, highways and car parks in an attractive, compact and predictable technology.
Hydro BioCell™ is part of the StormTrain® Series of surface water treatment products, a comprehensive toolbox of devices designed to remove silts, sediments and other pollutants from stormwater runoff.
From the surface, the Hydro BioCell™ system looks like a tree or shrub protruding through a decorative grating at pavement level. Stormwater runoff is channelled through a kerbside inlet into a concrete container underneath filled with a mulch, plant and soil filter medium.
Beneath the pavement, the Hydro BioCell™ system comprises of a concrete container with a 75 mm mulch layer, 500-750 mm of unique soil filter medium, an observation/clean out pipe and an under drain system, which is connected to the surface water drain.
Treated water can also be diverted into additional storage / infiltration systems using geocellular structures such as Hydro’s Stormcell® or the Stormbloc® systems. An emergency overflow bypass facility is used for extreme events.
Hydro BioCell™ connects simply to drainage inlet and outlet systems, provides for ease of design against flow control and treatment parameters and performs consistently whatever the site characteristics.
Hydro BioCellTM is part of the Hydro StormTrain® Series of stormwater treatment products.
For more information about the new Hydro BioCell™ Bioretention System and other Stormwater management products please call 01275 337955, email enquiries@hydro-int.com or visit www.hydro-int.com.