GT Specifier Team Expands
The GT Specifier team has expanded with the arrival of Francis Peters, a history graduate from York St John University who joins as Specification Assistant. Francis will be assisting and supporting the team with research and analysis projects which include sourcing information on upcoming and ongoing landscaping projects and estimating project costs. GT Specifier is the specification arm of leading landscape supplier Green-tech; working with landscape architects and specifiers to offer technical support, advice and solutions for landscaping projects…
Green-tech now boasts a team of 50 and continues to go from strength to strength. The number of product lines it offers and stock holding capabilities make it one of the largest landscape suppliers in the UK. Green-tech is currently building a purpose made £3 million complex to house their expanding business which includes the growing GT Specifier team.
When not working, history-mad Francis pursues his passion by visiting castles and battlefields. Whilst he’s enjoying his time at Green-tech, one day he’d love to run a museum.
Francis comments,
“I’m really enjoying working at Green-tech with the GT Specifier team, especially the research element and speaking with architects about forthcoming projects. I find it fascinating that they are creating buildings and landscapes that will stand for a long time – they are creating history.”
For more information on GT Specifier visit