Investors In People is the UK’s leading accreditation for business improvement through people management and provides a wealth of resources for businesses to innovate, improve and grow, with a focus on good people, making a great business! Harrod UK were first awarded IIP status in 1996 and have maintained this accolade ever since they are delighted to announce that they have just achieved the Investors in People (IIP) Gold award with flying colours! We decided this year to aim for the highest standard, of gold. Co-ordinated by David Bowling Manufacturing Director and Hazel Stimpson, HR Manager for Harrod UK, David said “This was no mean achievement as Gold standard is achieved by less than 1% of all companies striving to achieve an IIP status. The prestigious award is described by IIP as an achievement of ‘world class best practice’ and means we are considered to have the highest standards of people management and development that support our business goals. Achieving Gold is recognition of the commitment and passion of our team members and testament to the fact that everyone is fully engaged in our vision.”
Hazel added “I feel as proud as I expect the rest of team Harrod do at this very well deserved achievement. Being only one of three manufacturing companies to have achieved this prestigious award in the whole of the Eastern Region is truly wonderful”
Gaining Investors in people makes a statement about the kind of organisation you are, the way you operate and the core values that drive a Company forward. Managing Director, Stephanie Harrod Commented “It isn’t just about setting yourself apart or inspiring others. The accreditation is also about attracting new talent, clients and business whilst improving productivity, enhanced quality and employee engagement and motivation. It’s a true reflection on how important our staff is to us and stresses the importance of how we as a company will continue to progress and grow in the future. We have come a long way in the past 60 years, constantly striving to improve our company and our culture. It was even more fitting that we should achieve this very high standard in our 60th year”
During the assessment process, Dave Abdul, IIP Assessor and Allan Churchman, IIP Assessor spent time at the company’s 12000m2 site in Lowestoft, interviewing a cross section of staff and senior management in order to gain an extensive overview of company culture, procedures, practice and staff investment. In addition Harrod UK were required to demonstrate at least 165 pieces of evidence to achieve Gold; they demonstrated 172! Dave Abdul commented “Harrod UK are a learning organisation which punches well above their weight and where culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills said: “We’d like to congratulate Harrod UK on their Gold Standard. Such a high level of accreditation is the sign of great people management practice, and demonstrates a commitment to staff development and shows an organisation committed to being the very best it can be. Harrod UK should be extremely proud of their achievement.”
Peter Aldous Local MP for Waveney was delighted to congratulate the Directors and Team at Harrod UK by presenting them with the IIP Gold Certificate and plaque at their offices based in Lowestoft.