- Maruyama’s landscape blade and details of the manufacturer’s ‘unrivalled and unmatched in the UK’ guarantee
- The launch of the Flex-Select spreader range to the golf greenkeepers which saves money, time and materials and can be used all year round!
DMMP Limited from Leicestershire will be at the BIGGA Turf Management Exhibition (BTME) early next year (Harrogate, 21-23 January2014). The exhibition is Europe’s leading showcase for turf professionals and buyers.

DMMP managing director Marcus Palmer explains: “Being part of BTME is a chance for us to show the golf industry why Maruyama and EarthWay have such a high level of respect globally. We are inviting visitors to come to stand C50 in Hall C to see new and proven products designed for hard- working professionals.”
The Maruyama unique landscape blade will be at BTME plus DMMP will be sharing details of Maruyama’s new UK unrivalled and unmatched five year commercial product guarantee.
Recently introduced to the UK, Maruyama is the leading Japanese manufacturer of pumps, sprayers and outdoor power equipment. The hard-working power tools are all designed, engineered and manufactured in Japan.
Mark Dyos, Vice President of Maruyama USA and a key player in Maruyama’s global operations, is responsiblefortheMaruyama’sUK’smarketsandisenthusiasticaboutBTME: “Maruyamaissetto take the UK market by storm with its new products, and its cast iron guarantee. We’re looking for growth in 2014, and the Maruyama power house of power tools is ready to shake up the power equipment business! We’re challenging those still convinced that there is better outdoor power equipment out there to come and see our tough, hard- working professional products on stand C50 in Hall C.”
EarthWay’s new innovative spreader has interchangeable trays which will mean that one spreader is capable of efficiently spreading fertiliser, salt or fine seeds and chemicals. “It’s the latest and most advanced spreader system the UK has ever seen,” comments Marcus Palmer, “and we know visitors tothestandwillnotbedisappointed.” EarthWayistheleadingmanufacturersandinnovatorsof pedestrian fertiliser spreaders designed, engineered and manufactured in the USA.
Jeff Kendall, Vice President , Sales & Marketing at Earthway Products, Inc. continues: “This new innovation has been designed and engineered over the past five years and has a commitment to quality and innovation behind it, all developed in our US manufacturing facilities. We ensure that our high standard of superior features is spot on for the demanding professional markets around the world.”
Marcus Palmer concludes: “We are really looking forward to BTME and presenting these new products to the UK golf market as we are seeing increasing demand for high quality products where value for money is measured in lifetime use and performance”.
DMMP will be at BTME 2014 on 21-23 January on stand C50 in Hall C. For more information, please call 0845 643 9776 or visit www.dmmp.co.uk