Eco bollards from Leafield Environmental are environmentally friendly bollards, manufactured from a combination of 50% chipped recycled plastic bottles and 50% regular polymer that itself is usually recycled material.
All types of mixed plastic material can be accommodated in the process, removing the need for complete segregation into polymer type.
These bollards come in an attractive stone finish, due to the makeup of the material used. There are no drawbacks to choosing these environmentally friendly bollards, as they are also maintenance free, require no painting and will not rust or corrode.
As with all Leafield bollards they provide security and protection for parking areas, roads, streets and all types of public and private spaces.
Leafield Eco bollards are available with a variety of fixing types including permanent, bayonet socket and surface mount, and can be personalised to suit local authority or council specific requirements.
Leafield Environmental Limited
Leafield Way,
Leafield Industrial Estate
Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 9UD
Telephone: 01225 816500
Fax: 01225 816501